Infographics and data visualizations enable us to tell new stories with data in visual format.
This is great for taking complex ideas and presenting them in a beautiful and engaging format that people enjoy looking at, find easy to understand and are more likely to share. To do this well we combine the skills of journalism, analysis and design.
Infographics is your idea + your supporting data = an awesomely designed visualization of that idea.
Data is just about everywhere: governments, industry, education, journalism, think tanks, science – they’re all busy crunching data and producing statistics at an unprecedented rate! And everybody loves to talk stats…How many tweets go around the world per day? If Facebook was a country what would it be? How many hours of video content is uploaded to YouTube daily?
And guess what? People love infographics because infographics are cool, interesting to look at, easy to understand and, best of all, a new and exciting form of content unleashed. The infographic is fast becoming a key content player, and is an essential part of any online content strategy.
* fantastic infographic representing world debt (hint red isn’t a great place to be) created by the university of Sheffield. Thanks, renaissancechambara @flickr.